Australasian/Oceanian Diptera Catalog -- Web Version

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[Originally] by Roger W. Crosskey

The Simuliidae form a family of small, sturdy-bodied midges with a notorious reputation in some parts of the world as bloodsucking pests. About 1,491 species are currently recognized; however, a large number of additional unnamed species, distinguished chromosomally, have been identified by cytologists. Most morphologically recognized species seem to be complexes of "sibling species" or "cytospecies," which are biologically and chromosomally distinct but anatomically very similar to each other. Modern studies of Simuliidae must take special account of this problem.

Members of the family are usually called black flies, but in New Zealand they are widely known as sand flies. Bloodsucking is not a universal habit, but females of most species feed on warm-blooded vertebrates, often preferring either birds or mammals. In Australia and New Zealand a few species of Austrosimulium are serious mammal biters; A. pestilens is a livestock pest that undergoes major periodic outbreaks in Queensland, and A. ungulatum can be a vicious man-biting pest in parts of New Zealand. Except in the Marquesas, where they can be a severe local scourge, simuliids are rarely more than a minor biting nuisance in the Pacific Islands. There is no evidence that black flies are involved in any human disease in Australasia or Oceania, but they are believed to play a part in the transmission of Onchocerca gibsoni, a filarial parasite of Australian cattle. They have been incriminated as vectors of Leucocytozoon (a blood protozoan of birds) in penguins in New Zealand and are among the vectors of myxomatosis virus of rabbits in Australia.

Early stages are aquatic and virtually confined to running waters. Larvae and pupae are attached to submerged substrates, most often trailing vegetation, stones, or the fixed bedrock of cascades and waterfalls. Those of some Polynesian species have been found in an unusual microhabitat, lodged between closely packed fallen leaves trapped in water current. In tropical Africa juveniles of some species live on mayfly nymphs or crabs in an obligate relationship (phoresy), but no phoretic forms have been found in Australasia or Oceania. Surprisingly, simuliids have failed to colonize Tonga, Samoa, and Hawaii, island groups with flowing streams potentially able to support their development.

The simuliid fauna of the Australasian/Oceanian Regions, at least at the morphospecies level, is not very rich (120 spp.), but there is a clear relationship of its components to particular geographical areas. Nearly all species from these areas belong to Simulium s. l. or to the locally endemic genus Austrosimulium. The Australian fauna, in addition to these 2 genera, contains a few primitive forms assignable to the Prosimuliini. The generic affinities of these primitive taxa are obscure, but they do not belong to the Holarctic genus Cnephia Enderlein, in which they were formerly placed. They are treated here as generically unassignable, pending their comprehensive study in relation to the prosimuliines of other regions.

Only Austrosimulium is represented in the small New Zealand fauna and only Simulium s. l. in the much larger fauna of New Guinea. The same subgenera of Simulium are found in New Guinea as in Australia, but only 1 species (S. ornatipes) is known to be common to the 2 areas, despite their Pleistocene connection, their proximity, and the tropical character of northern Queensland. The fauna of Melanesia and Polynesia shows evidence of derivation from only the west and contains 2 endemic Simulium subgenera, Hebridosimulium and Inseliellum; species from Micronesia, known only from adults, are here provisionally assigned to the latter subgenus.

Distribution in the Pacific Islands is patchy, not only because of absence from some apparently suitable islands, but because black fly colonization is precluded on the innumerable small coral islands and atolls by absence of running water. Craig (1983) mapped the disjunct distribution and recognized several chromosomally and morphologically differentiated taxa in Polynesia, which are described in Craig & Craig (1987) and Craig (1987). Simulium ornatipes and S. neornatipes in Australia and New Caledonia, respectively, represent cytological species complexes (Bedo 1977, 1984).
Refs.: Smart & Clifford (1965, keys New Guinean spp.), Crosskey (1967a, classif. W Pacific Simulium; 1985, nomencl.; 1988 world checklist), Dumbleton (1973, keys, rev. Austrosimulium), Colbo (1976, key Australian Simulium), Crosby (1981, key NZ immat.), Craig (1983, phylog. Polynesian spp.; 1987, keys, rev. Society Is ssp.),


Unplaced species of Prosimuliini

aurantiacum Tonnoir, 1925a: 234 (Simulium). Australia (NSW); Australia (Qld, Tas, Vic).
fergusoni Tonnoir, 1925a: 238 (Simulium). Australia (NSW); Australia (SA).
fuscoflava Mackerras & Mackerras, 1948: 236 (Cnephia tonnoiri ssp.). Australia (Qld).
orientalis Mackerras & Mackerras, 1950: 170 (Cnephia tonnoiri ssp.). Australia (Qld); Australia (NSW, Tas, Vic).
pilfreyi Davies & Györkös, 1988: 107 (Cnephia). Australia (ACT).
strenua Mackerras & Mackerras, 1950: 170 (Cnephia). Australia (Qld).
terebrans Tonnoir, 1925a: 237 (Simulium). Australia (Vic); Australia (NSW).
tonnoiri Drummond, 1931: 6 (Simulium). Australia (WA).
umbratorum Tonnoir, 1925a: 237 (Simulium). Australia (Vic).



AUSTROSIMULIUM Tonnoir, 1925a: 230. Type species: Simulia australensis Schiner, 1868, orig. des.


AUSTROSIMULIUM Tonnoir, 1925a: 230 (as gen.). Type species: Simulia australensis Schiner, 1868, orig. des.
albovelatum Dumbleton, 1973: 524. NZ (NZ).
alveolatum Dumbleton, 1973: 522 (laticorne ssp.). NZ (NZ).
australense Schiner, 1868: 15 (Simulia). NZ (NZ).
     caecutiens Walker, 1848: 113 (Simulium). Nomen nudum.
     caecutiens Hutton, 1874: 165 (Simulium). Nomen nudum.
     tillyardi Tonnoir, 1923d: 11 (Simulium). NZ (NZ).
bicorne Dumbleton, 1973: 538. NZ (NZ).
campbellense Dumbleton, 1973: 535. NZ (Campbell I).
cornutum Tonnoir, 1925a: 243. Australia (Vic); Australia (NSW, Tas).
crassipes Tonnoir, 1925a: 242. Australia (Vic); Australia (NSW, Qld)
dugdalei Craig, Craig & Crosby, 2012: 120. NZ (NZ).
dumbletoni Crosby, 1976: 17. NZ (NZ).
extendorum Craig, Craig & Crosby, 2012: 123. NZ (Stewart I).
Dumbleton, 1973: 518 (multicorne ssp.). NZ (NZ).
Mackerras & Mackerras, 1950: 184. Australia (Qld).
laticorne Tonnoir, 1925a: 254. NZ (NZ).
longicorne Tonnoir, 1925a: 254. NZ (NZ).
mirabile Mackerras & Mackerras, 1948: 266. Australia (Qld).
montanum Mackerras & Mackerras, 1952: 107. Australia (NSW); Australia (Vic).
multicorne Tonnoir, 1925a: 254. NZ (NZ).
stewartense Dumbleton, 1973: 522. NZ (Stewart I).
tillyardianum Dumbleton, 1973: 513 (n. n. for tillyardi Tonnoir). NZ (NZ).
     tillyardi Tonnoir, 1925a: 253. NZ (NZ). [Preocc. Tonnoir, 1923.]
tonnoiri Craig, Craig & Crosby, 2012: 162. NZ (NZ).
ungulatum Tonnoir, 1925a: 250. NZ (NZ).
unicorne Dumbleton, 1973: 543. NZ (NZ).
vailavoense Craig, Craig & Crosby, 2012: 153. NZ (NZ); N (Stewart I).
Mik, 1881: 201 (Simulium). NZ (Auckland Is); NZ (Campbell I).


NOVAUSTROSIMULIUM Dumbleton, 1973: 484. Type species: Simulium bancrofti Taylor, 1918, orig. des.
bancrofti Taylor, 1918b: 168 (Simulium). Australia (Qld); Australia (NSW, Tas, Vic, WA).
furiosum Skuse, 1889b: 1365 (Simulium). Australia (NSW); Australia (Qld, Tas, Vic, WA).
     weindorferi Tonnoir, 1925a: 248. Australia (Tas).
     simile Tonnoir, 1925a: 249. Australia (Tas).
     austrosimile Smart, 1944: 133 (unnec. n. n. for simile Tonnoir).
magnum Mackerras & Mackerras, 1955: 109. Australia (Qld).
pestilens Mackerras & Mackerras, 1948: 260. Australia (Qld); Australia (NSW, NT).
torrentium Tonnoir, 1925a: 247. Australia (Tas); Australia (ACT, NSW, Vic).
     ssp. torrentium Tonnoir, 1925a: 247. Australia (Tas); Australia (NSW, Vic).
     ssp. hilli Mackerras & Mackerras, 1949: 401 (torrentium spp.). Australia (ACT).
victoriae Roubaud, 1906c: 521 (Simulium). Australia (Vic); Australia (NSW, Qld, Tas).
     tasmaniense Tonnoir, 1925a: 245. Australia (Tas).

Unplaced to Subgenus

colboi Davies & Györkös, 1988: 111. Australia (Vic).

Genus SIMULIUM Latreille

SIMULIUM Latreille, 1802: 426. Type species: Rhagio colombaschensis Fabricius, 1796, mon.

Subgenus EUSIMULIUM Roubaud

EUSIMULIUM Roubaud, 1906b: 521. Type species: Simulia aurea Fries, 1824, mon.
bonninense Shiraki, 1935: 21 (Eusimulium). Bonin Is.
trukense Stone, 1964: 631. Micronesia; Guam.

Subgenus GOMPHOSTILBIA Enderlein

GOMPHOSTILBIA Enderlein, 1921a: 199 (as gen.). Type species: Gomphostilbia ceylonica Enderlein, 1921, orig.des.
ambonense Takaoka, 2003: 183. Indonesia (Maluku).
anggiense Takaoka, 2003: 371. Indonesia (Irian Jaya).
arfakense Takaoka, 2003: 324. Indonesia (Irian Jaya).
asperum Takaoka, 2003: 162. Indonesia (Maluku).
baliemense Takaoka, 2003: 403. Indonesia (Irian Jaya).
Smart & Clifford, 1965: 603. PNG (PNG).
biakense Takaoka, 2003: 253. Indonesia (Irian Jaya).
bifurcatum Takaoka, 2003: 149. Indonesia (Irian Jaya).
Smart & Clifford, 1965: 608. PNG (Bismarck Arch); PNG (PNG).
centrale Smart & Clifford, 1965: 611. PNG (PNG); PNG (Bismarck Arch).
curvum Takaoka, 2003: 154. Indonesia (Maluku).
demutaense Takaoka, 2003: 407. Indonesia (Irian Jaya).
hagai Takaoka, 2003: 240. Indonesia (Maluku).
halmahereanse Takaoka, 2003: 247. Indonesia (Maluku).
heldsbachense Smart & Clifford, 1965: 594. PNG (PNG).
hemicyclium Smart & Clifford, 1965: 604. PNG (Bismarck Arch); PNG (PNG).
hiroshii Takaoka, 1994: 1093. Solomon Is; PNG (Bougainville I).
inernum Takaoka, 2003: 142. Indonesia (Irian Jaya).
irianense Takaoka, 2003: 258. Indonesia (Irian Jaya).
irayense Takaoka, 2003: 344. Indonesia (Irian Jaya).
jayapuraense Takaoka, 2003: 300. Indonesia (Irian Jaya).
kalimerahense Takaoka, 2003: 135. Indonesia (Irian Jaya).
kamimurai Takaoka, 2003: 191. Indonesia (Maluku).
keravatense Smart & Clifford, 1965: 597. PNG (Bismarck Arch); PNG (PNG).
kuingingiense Smart & Clifford, 1965: 606. PNG (PNG).
malukuense Takaoka, 2003: 263. Indonesia (Maluku).
manokwariense Takaoka, 2003: 270. Indonesia (Irian Jaya).
manuselaense Takaoka, 2003: 295. Indonesia (Maluku).
motoyukii Takaoka, 2003: 351. Indonesia (Irian Jaya).
Smart & Clifford, 1965: 599. PNG (PNG); PNG (Bismarck Arch).
nami Smart & Clifford, 1965: 612. PNG (PNG).
norforense Takaoka, 2003: 378. Indonesia (Irian Jaya).
nudipes Takaoka, 2003: 337. Indonesia (Irian Jaya).
palauense Stone, 1964: 633. Belau.
pamahaense Takaoka, 2003: 319. Indonesia (Irian Jaya).
peregrinum Mackerras & Mackerras, 1950: 175. Australia (Qld).
prafiense Takaoka, 2003: 363. Indonesia (Irian Jaya).
ransikiense Takaoka, 2003: 287. Indonesia (Irian Jaya).
rhopaloides Craig, Englund & Takaoka, 2006: 12. Solomon Is.
seramense Takaoka, 2003: 437. Indonesia (Maluku).
sorongense Takaoka, 2003: 275. Indonesia (Irian Jaya).
sutubense Takaoka, 2003: 384. Indonesia (Irian Jaya).
tafulaense Takaoka, 2003: 259. Indonesia (Maluku).
takae Takaoka, 2003: 391. Indonesia (Irian Jaya).
wakrisense Takaoka, 2003: 399. Indonesia (Irian Jaya).
watetoense Takaoka, 2003: 281. Indonesia (Maluku).

Subgenus HEBRIDOSIMULIUM Grenier & Rageau

HEBRIDOSIMULIUM Grenier & Rageau, 1961: 96 (as gen.). Type species: Simulium jolyi Roubaud, 1906, orig. des.
adsonense Craig in Craig et al., 2006: 76. Vanuatu.
anatolicum Craig, 1987: 382. French Polynesia (Society Is).
banksi Craig in Craig et al., 2006: 25. Vanuatu.
calllipygium Craig in Craig et al., 2006: 18. Vanuatu.
johnfrumi Craig in Craig et al., 2006: 30. Vanuatu.
Roubaud, 1906a: 142. Vanuatu.
laciniatum Edwards, 1924f: 572. Fiji.
lucyae Craig in Craig et al., 2006: 61. Vanuatu.
pankumuense Craig in Craig et al., 2006: 39. Vanuatu.
paradisium Craig in Craig et al., 2006: 63. Vanuatu.
seatopygium Craig in Craig et al., 2006: 65. Vanuatu.
spiroi Craig, Currie & Hunter in Craig et al., 2006: 79. Vanuatu.
subparadisium Craig in Craig et al., 2006: 69. Vanuatu.
supercilium Craig in Craig et al., 2006: 72. Vanuatu.
tuberculum Craig in Craig et al., 2006: 45. Vanuatu.
undulatum Craig in Craig et al., 2006: 74. Vanuatu.

Subgenus INSELIELLUM Rubtsov

INSELIELLUM Rubtsov, 1974: 275 (as gen.). Type species: Simulium oviceps Edwards, 1933, orig. des.
adamsoni Edwards, 1932b: 109. French Polynesia (Marquesas).
adelaideae Craig, 2004: 3. French Polynesia (Society Is).
admixum Craig, 1987: 397. French Polynesia (Society Is).
arlecchinum Craig, 1987: 398. French Polynesia (Society Is).
bogusium Craig, 1997: 889. French Polynesia (Society Is).
buissoni Roubaud, 1906c: 521. French Polynesia (Marquesas).
caesariatum Craig & Joy, 2000: 1256. French Polynesia (Society Is).
Craig, 1987: 399. French Polynesia (Society Is).
cataractarum Craig, 1987: 400. French Polynesia (Society Is).
cheesmanae Edwards, 1927b: 242. French Polynesia (Society Is).
clibanarium Craig, 1997: 889. French Polynesia (Society Is).
concludium Craig, 1997: 886. French Polynesia (Society Is).
connae Craig, 1997: 868. French Polynesia (Society Is).
dojeycorium Craig, 1997: 871. French Polynesia (Society Is).
dussertorum Craig, 1997: 885. French Polynesia (Society Is).
englundi Craig, 2004: 10. French Polynesia (Marquesas).
evenhuisi Craig, 1997: 869. French Polynesia (Society Is).
exasperans Craig, 1987: 392. French Polynesia (Society Is).
fararae Craig & Joy, 2000: 1253. French Polynesia (Society Is).
fossatiae Craig, 1997: 872. French Polynesia (Society Is).
gallinum Edwards, 1932b: 108. French Polynesia (Marquesas).
guamense Stone, 1964: 633. Guam.
hirticranioum Craig & Joy, 2000: 1255. French Polynesia (Society Is).
hispidum Craig & Joy, 2000: 1256. French Polynesia (Society Is).
Séchan in Klein et. al., 1983: 24. French Polynesia (Marquesas).
     uahukae Lavondes & Pichon, 1972: 158. Nomen nudum.
jnabsium Craig, 1997: 879. French Polynesia (Society Is).
joyae Craig in Craig & Joy, 2000: 1254. French Polynesia (Society Is).
lonckei Craig, 1997: 880. French Polynesia (Society Is).
lotii Craig, 1987: 388. French Polynesia (Society Is).
     opunohuense Craig, 1987: 391. French Polynesia (Society Is).
malardei Craig, 1987: 387. French Polynesia (Society Is).
maraaense Craig, 1997: 870. French Polynesia (Society Is).
mataverense Craig & Craig, 1987: 364. Cook Is. [Cytotype "damn" Craig, 1983: 535.]
mesodontium Craig, 1987: 403. French Polynesia (Society Is).
middlemissae Craig, 1997: 891. French Polynesia (Society Is).
mumfordi Edwards, 1932b: 109. French Polynesia (Marquesas).
neoviceps Craig, 1987: 403. French Polynesia (Society Is).
oviceps Edwards, 1933a: 37. French Polynesia (Society Is).
pallidicranium Craig & Joy, 2000: 1255. French Polynesia (Society Is).
Craig, Fossati & Séchan, 1995: 792. French Polynesia (Marquesas Is).
proctorae Craig, 1997: 887. French Polynesia (Society Is).
pseudocorium Craig & Joy, 2000: 1250. French Polynesia (Society Is).
pufauense Craig, 1997: 877. French Polynesia (Society Is).
rivieri Craig, Fossati & Séchan, 1995: 794. French Polynesia (Marquesas Is).
rurutuense Craig, 1997: 864. French Polynesia (Austral Is).
sechani Craig & Fossati, 1995: 795. French Polynesia (Marquesas Is).
shannonae Craig, 1997: 881. French Polynesia (Society Is).
sublonckei Craig, 2004: 6. French Polynesia (Society Is).
tahitiense Edwards, 1927b: 242. French Polynesia (Society Is).
teruamanga Craig & Craig, 1987: 358. Cook Is. [Cytotype "teruamanga" Craig, 1983: 535.]
uaense Séchan in Klein et al., 1983: 24. French Polynesia (Marquesas).

Subgenus MOROPS Enderlein

MOROPS Enderlein, 1930e: 93 (as gen.). Type species: Wilhelmia pygmaea Enderlein, 1922 [preocc., = Simulium wilhelmlandae Smart, 1944], orig. des.
PSELAPHOCHIR Enderlein, 1936b: 120 (as gen.). Type species: Pselaphochir oculata Enderlein, 1936, orig. des.
aropaense Takaoka, 1995: 240. PNG (Bougaiunville I).
aureonigrum Mackerras & Mackerras, 1950: 178. Australia (Qld).
avilae Smart & Clifford, 1965: 566. PNG (PNG).
botulus Smart & Clifford, 1965: 535. PNG (PNG).
brandti Smart & Clifford, 1965: 589. PNG (PNG).
cervus Smart & Clifford, 1965: 540. PNG (PNG).
clathrinum Mackerras & Mackerras, 1948: 248. Australia (Qld); Australia (NSW).
clavum Smart & Clifford, 1965: 541. PNG (PNG).
cristatum Smart & Clifford, 1965: 553. PNG (PNG).
dycei Colbo, 1976: 256. Australia (Qld); Australia (NT).
evelynae Smart & Clifford, 1965: 545. PNG (PNG).
faheyi Taylor, 1927: 71. Australia (Qld); Australia (NT).
farciminis Smart & Clifford, 1965: 532. PNG (PNG).
fimbriatum Smart & Clifford, 1965: 544. PNG (PNG).
gagiduense Smart & Clifford, 1965: 573. PNG (PNG).
gorokae Smart & Clifford, 1965: 558. PNG (PNG).
inornatum Mackerras & Mackerras, 1950: 181. Australia (Qld); Australia (NSW, Vic).
inuitkiense Smart & Clifford, 1965: 547. PNG (Bismarck Arch).
josephi Smart & Clifford, 1965: 580. PNG (PNG).
kainantuense Smart & Clifford, 1965: 564. PNG (PNG).
kaiti Smart & Clifford, 1965: 582. PNG (Bismarck Arch).
kerei Takaoka & Suzuki, 1994: 207. Solomon Is.
kawagishii Takaoka & Suzuki, 1995: 263. Solomon Is.
kietaense Takaoka, 1995: 242. PNG (Bougaiunville I).
Smart & Clifford, 1965: 580. PNG (PNG).
lalokiense Smart & Clifford, 1965: 576. PNG (PNG).
lawnhillense Colbo, 1976: 264. Australia (Qld); Australia (NT).
longirostre Smart, 1972: 613 (n. n. for rostrata Smart & Clifford). PNG (PNG).
     rostrata Smart & Clifford, 1965: 587. PNG (PNG). [Preocc. Lundström, 1911.]
mackerrasorum Colbo, 1976: 261. Australia (Qld); Australia (NT, WA).
mafuluense Smart & Clifford, 1965: 586. PNG (PNG).
matokoense Smart & Clifford, 1965: 585. PNG (PNG).
melatum Wharton, 1949: 406. Australia (NSW); Australia (Qld, Vic).
mendiense Smart & Clifford, 1965: 562. PNG (PNG).
minji Smart & Clifford, 1965: 555. PNG (PNG).
mussauense Delfinado, 1971: 137. PNG (Bismarck Arch).
nicholsoni Mackerras & Mackerras, 1948: 251. Australia (Qld); Australia (NSW, Vic).
noroense Takaoka & Suzuki, 1995: 269. Solomon Is; PNG (Bougainville I).
Enderlein, 1936b: 121 (Pselaphochir). PNG (PNG).
pangunaense Takaoka, 1995: 250. PNG (Bougaiunville I).
papuense Wharton, 1948: 359. PNG (PNG); Solomon Is.
peggyae Takaoka, 1995: 249. PNG (Bougaiunville I).
pohaense Takaoka & Suzuki, 1995: 257. Solomon Is.
purosae Smart & Clifford, 1965: 560. PNG (PNG).
raunsimnae Smart & Clifford, 1965: 569. PNG (Bismarck Arch); PNG (Bougainville I, PNG).
rounae Smart & Clifford, 1965: 539. PNG (PNG).
saihoense Smart & Clifford, 1965: 549. PNG (PNG).
selewynense Takaoka & Suzuki, 1995: 262. Solomon Is.
sherwoodi Stone & Maffi, 1971: 299. Solomon Is.
solomonense Takaoka & Suzuki, 1995: 254. Solomon Is.
standfasti Colbo, 1976: 259. Australia (Qld).
tafae Smart & Clifford, 1965: 578. PNG (PNG).
torresianum Mackerras & Mackerras, 1955: 106. Australia (Qld).
wamenae Smart & Clifford, 1965: 584. PNG (PNG).
wantoatense Smart & Clifford, 1965: 537. PNG (PNG).
wilhelmlandae Smart, 1944: 132 (n. n. for pygmaea Enderlein). PNG (PNG).
     pygmaea Enderlein, 1922a: 70 (Wilhelmia). PNG (PNG). [Preocc. Zetterstedt, 1838.]
yulae Takaoka, 1995: 244. PNG (Bougaiunville I).

Subgenus NEVERMANNIA Enderlein

NEVERMANNIA Enderlein, 1921a: 199 (as gen.). Type species: Simulium annulipes Becker, 1908 [= Simulium ruficorne Macquart, 1838], orig. des.
CHELOCNETHA Enderlein, 1936b: 117 (as gen.). Type species: Chelocnetha biroi Enderlein, 1936 [= Simulium ornatipes Skuse, 1890], orig. des.
neornatipes Dumbleton, 1969b: 213. New Caledonia (New Caledonia).
norfolkense Dumbleton, 1969b: 220 (ornatipes ssp.). Norfolk I.
ornatipes Skuse, 1890d: 632. Australia (NSW); Australia (Qld, SA, Vic, WA), PNG (PNG).
     biroi Enderlein, 1936b: 117 (Chelocnetha). Australia (NSW).

Subgenus WALLACELLUM Takaoka

WALLACELLUM Takaoka, 1983: 20. Type species: Simulium carinatum Delfinado, 1969, orig. des.
alfurense Takoka, 2003: 14. Indonesia (Maluku); Indonesia (Irian Jaya).

This page last revised 29 August 2012